Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Is Your Website Design Annoying?

Check my top 5 list and decide for yourself whether you have been annoying your visitors.
  1. Background music Unless you are operating an online internet radio station or sell music CDs, why play a midi/wav file in the background continuously on every page?
  2. Huge font sizeIf you are designing a website for people with a disability then you are doing the right thing, but if not then you are shouting. People don’t like it when someone shouts at them.
  3. Small font size Do you want to be heard? Keep a normal tone, don’t shout but "speak" in a reasonable volume.
  4. Overlapping layers Layers can be very useful up to the point. But not when they are being used to put an annoying message in the visitor’s face. Don’t try to force your visitor to read your messages. Try persuasion instead of brute force.
  5. Popup windows Even though popup windows are now blocked by many add on tools, webmasters keep using them. The annoying part of popups is sometimes we actually miss important information because of those anti popup tools. Haven't you heard the old phrase "if you can’t beat him, join him”? Don’t use pop up windows. Put your important messages in a central place on your website.

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